What Is A Motion To Revoke Bond?

Motion To Revoke Bond

A motion to revoke bond is a legal request made by a prosecutor or other party to the court to cancel an individual’s bail and return them to jail. This motion is typically filed when an accused person has violated the conditions of their release or has been arrested for a new crime. The judge presiding over the case will hear arguments from both sides before making a decision on whether or not to revoke the bond.

In order for a motion to revoke bond to be granted, the prosecution must provide evidence that the accused has violated the terms of their release. This could include failing to appear in court, violating curfew, or engaging in criminal activity while out on bail. The judge will then weigh this evidence against any mitigating factors presented by the defense, such as showing that the accused had good cause for missing court or was unaware of their obligation to adhere to certain restrictions.

If the motion is granted, the accused will be returned to jail until their trial date.

Definition: What is Bond?

A bond is a type of financial guarantee that ensures an individual will appear in court when required. It is set by the judge and typically involves the accused paying money to the court, which is returned upon completion of all legal obligations. The amount of bond is determined by the judge based on factors such as the accused’s criminal history, the severity of the alleged offense, and other relevant circumstances. If an individual fails to comply with their bond conditions or does not appear for their court date, they may be held in contempt of court and face additional charges.

Bond also serves as a way for an accused person to remain free during their trial or appeal process. By posting bonds, they can avoid being taken into custody while still being held accountable for any criminal activity they are charged with.

Requirements for Motion

If you are facing criminal charges, your court may grant you a bond that allows you to be released from custody. However, if certain conditions of the bond are violated, then the court may decide to revoke the bond and put you back into custody. In order for a motion to revoke bond to be granted by the court, there must be sufficient evidence that the accused has violated their terms of release.

In general, a motion to revoke bond is usually filed after an arrest or when specific information or evidence is discovered that indicates an accused person has breached their bail agreement in some way. This motion can also take place at any stage during criminal proceedings – before trial and even during sentencing hearings. The prosecutor will need to provide proof beyond reasonable doubt that an individual’s behavior violates the conditions of their bail agreement; otherwise, it is not likely that a judge will approve the motion.

Court Hearing Process

The court hearing process is a necessary step in the criminal justice system. A motion to revoke bond is considered after a defendant has violated the conditions of their release, or they have been accused of committing new crimes while out on bond. In this article, we will discuss in detail the hearing process for when a motion to revoke bond is filed by the prosecutor’s office.

At this hearing, both sides will present evidence and testimony as to why or why not the defendant should remain out on bail. The judge presiding over the case will then decide if it is appropriate to revoke or modify their existing bail and set any new terms that must be adhered to by the defendant if they are released on bail again. During this process, it is important for defendants and their attorneys to understand how a motion to revoke bond works and what procedures take place during this specific court hearing.

Impact on Defendant

When a defendant faces a motion to revoke their bond, the impact on their current situation can be considerable. In some cases, the motion may include jail time and the loss of bail money. A motion to revoke a bond is one of the most serious charges a defendant can face in court.

When such motions are presented, it typically means that the court believes there has been an issue with either bonding conditions or criminal activity. For example, if someone’s bond was set conditionally based on regular drug testing and one test came back positive, then they may have their bond revoked as a result. In other cases, if someone has been found committing another crime while out on bail, then their original bond could be revoked due to dangerous behavior that violates the terms of release from custody.

Defense Arguments

When a motion to revoke bond is filed, the accused has the right to make a defense argument. This type of argument is usually centered around convincing the court that allowing the accused to remain free on bail is in their best interest and does not pose any risk to society. Defense arguments can take many forms but must be backed up with evidence and facts that are relevant to the case.

The primary strategy of defense attorneys when making a motion to revoke bond argument is typically focused on mitigating factors that prove why an individual should not be denied bail or taken into custody while awaiting trial. For example, they may argue that although their client has had previous convictions, they have been rehabilitated and are now following all laws; or that there have been extenuating circumstances surrounding their offense which should be taken into account.


This motion must be carefully considered, however, as it can have serious repercussions for the accused if granted. It is crucial that both prosecutors and defense attorneys consider all the facts and circumstances when making such decisions. Ultimately, it is up to the court to decide whether or not to revoke bond in any given case.

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