Tampa Domestic Violence Attorney

Accused of Domestic Violence in Florida?

If you have been accused of domestic violence, it is important to take the situation seriously. Depending on the severity of the accusation, you may be facing criminal charges or a restraining order. In either case, it is important to seek legal counsel right away. A lawyer can provide guidance and advice on how to manage your case and protect your rights.

In addition to consulting with an attorney, it is also important to document any evidence that supports your side of the story. This could include any emails, text messages, or other communications between you and the accuser. It is also important to keep track of any witnesses who can attest to your innocence. These steps will help ensure that you are prepared for court proceedings if necessary.

Finally, it is essential to remain calm and composed throughout the process.

What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is an act like stalking, battery, and false imprisonment committed by one member of a household against another, by former love interests, or your spouse – even if you are now divorced.  A child can batter a parent and, if they reside in the same home, it will likely be considered domestic violence.  Most cases of domestic violence involve the battery of a current or former lover or spouse.  Domestic violence always involves people who live or used to live together, with the exception of a couple who have a child together but have never lived together.  Florida laws have become tougher as domestic violence awareness campaigns have taken hold.  If you have been arrested for domestic violence, our Tampa domestic violence lawyers are prepared to provide you with an experienced and bold defense.

Our domestic violence practice areas include, but are not limited to:

  • Sexual violence
  • Stalking
  • Battery
  • Stalking
  • Domestic Assault
  • Aggravated Assault
  • Spousal Abuse
  • Domestic Battery
  • Aggravated Stalking
  • Violating a Restraining Order
  • Child Abuse
  • Child Endangerment
  • Child Abduction
  • All Other Domestic Violence Crimes

Legal Rights: Rights of Accused Person

When an individual is accused of domestic violence, they are not automatically guilty until proven innocent. It is important for the accused person to understand their legal rights so that they can pursue a fair hearing and defense.

The accused person has the right to remain silent during any investigation or trial proceedings. This means that the accused does not have to answer questions about the alleged incident or incriminate themselves in any way. The right against self-incrimination is part of the Fifth Amendment in the United States Constitution which serves as a safeguard against unwarranted criminal prosecution.

Furthermore, an individual who has been accused of domestic violence also has the right to an attorney if they cannot afford one on their own. This ensures that even those with limited financial resources can obtain expert legal representation and be brought before a court of law through due process of law.

Response Strategies: How to React

When someone is accused of domestic violence, it can be an incredibly daunting experience. It’s important to understand the response strategies available to you and learn how to react appropriately in such a serious situation. There are a few key steps that must be taken if one is accused of domestic violence.

The first step is to remain calm. It may be difficult, but try not to get angry or defensive in the face of accusations. The best thing you can do is provide an honest explanation for your behavior if necessary, and strive for understanding from both parties involved in the situation. Additionally, it’s essential that all communication stay civil and polite; being respectful will go a long way toward resolving the issue without escalating tensions further.

Support System: Who Can Help?

When accused of domestic violence, it can be an incredibly frightening and overwhelming event. It is important to remember that you are not alone. There is a variety of support systems available to help guide and protect those accused of domestic violence.

The most crucial piece when accused of domestic violence is gaining access to legal counsel, who can provide representation in court and provide guidance throughout the process. Additionally, there are numerous other resources available for emotional support such as counselors or therapists who specialize in working with victims of abuse and trauma, members from advocacy groups who are experienced in understanding the effects on survivors, as well as local shelters or crisis centers that offer safety planning services and information about your rights.

If you have been accused of domestic violence it is important to reach out for help so that you can understand your rights while also taking care of your mental health during this difficult time.

Social Stigma: Consequences for Accuser

We live in a society where the accused is often seen as guilty until proven innocent. When someone is accused of domestic violence, they are immediately judged by their peers and the public despite having not yet been found guilty in a court of law. Aside from the legal consequences, those who have been accused of domestic violence also face social stigma. This can be devastating for both the accuser and the accused.

Social stigmatization occurs when an individual or group of people are viewed negatively by others due to their actions or beliefs. In cases involving accusations of domestic violence, it often results in judgmental comments on social media and other forms of public humiliation. This can lead to loss of employment opportunities and difficulty finding housing or even basic services like healthcare.

Mandatory Arrest

Florida has a mandatory arrest provision in its domestic violence legislation.  According to the law, police officers who are called to a location to intervene in a domestic dispute must arrest at least one of the people involved.  Typically, they will arrest the person who appears, based on their after-the-fact assessment, to have been the aggressor or the most violent.  To make this determination, they will examine the parties’ physical and emotional states.  The law enforcement officers’ assessment may include examining bleeding or other injuries, taking note of crying or anger, and looking at damage to clothing to determine who the primary aggressor in the situation was.  Unfortunately, since law enforcement officials could not be present at the time of the issue, they do not always make the correct decision about which person to arrest.  If you are the person arrested, you will likely face criminal domestic violence charges – sometimes even if your spouse or the other party does not want to press charges.

For the person who is arrested, there are many problems that emanate from the arrest.  You may have to post a costly bond or you may miss days at your job because you had to go to court or were still behind bars.  Additionally, you may not be allowed back into your home and your reputation will suffer as friends and neighbors hear about your arrest.

No Contact Orders and Injunctions

The judge may enter a no-contact order against you, which means that you cannot go near or contact the specified members of your household.  For instance, if you are accused of hitting your wife, the judge will usually enter a no-contact order that prevents you from going into the home you share or otherwise contacting her.  Of course, this may also mean that you cannot get in touch with your children.

Your spouse, romantic interest, or another person who has accused you of domestic violence may also seek an injunction against you, which is a civil (not criminal) remedy.  An injunction is often called a restraining order and operates in a way very similar to a no-contact order.

If a judge has entered a no-contact order or an injunction against you, it is imperative that you obey – no matter how unfair it seems to you.  If you do not obey, the person who obtained the order may notify authorities and you will be arrested again.  You will also face additional charges for violating the no-contact order.  Even if your former spouse asks you to come back or indicates that he or she wants to see you, do not violate the terms of the order.

Information About Domestic Violence

According to the state of Florida, the most common type of domestic violence is simple assault, comprising about 77 percent of all domestic violence cases.  Although domestic violence is often portrayed as men beating women, that is not always the situation.  About a quarter of the domestic violence assault arrests were female.  Assault is:

“an intentional, unlawful threat by word or acts to do violence to the person of another, coupled with an apparent ability to do so, and doing some act which creates a well-founded fear in such other person that such violence is imminent.  ” (Fla.  Stat.  784.011)

That means that the victim is afraid, due to the actions of the aggressor, that he or she will be subjected to violence.

We understand the complexity of domestic violence accusations.  They often devolve into he-said-she-said situations and, with a solid defense, the prosecution may have a difficult time proving domestic violence has occurred when there are two conflicting stories.  Sometimes, there are motives for making false accusations of domestic violence, like a pending divorce or a child custody dispute.  Our Tampa domestic violence defense lawyers will dig deep to understand the details of your case and mount an aggressive defense.

Resources: Where to Find Help

As an accused perpetrator of domestic violence, it can be difficult to know what resources are available to you. It is important to remember that the process of dealing with domestic violence accusations can be overwhelming and isolating. Therefore, it is essential to seek out different sources of help and support.

There are a variety of organizations specifically designed for those accused of domestic violence that provides legal assistance and counseling services. These organizations also offer specialized advice on how to navigate the court proceedings associated with such charges, as well as tips on finding qualified legal representation if needed. Additionally, they typically have access to local support groups focused on helping perpetrators understand their own behavior and develop better strategies for managing future conflicts.

No matter what your situation entails, there are many resources available that specialize in providing accurate information about domestic violence as well as emotional and practical guidance throughout the process.

Conclusion: Protecting Yourself

As accusations of domestic violence become increasingly prevalent in today’s society, it is important to protect yourself against such allegations. Knowing your rights and the legal system can help you understand the accusations being made and how to respond to them. If you are accused of domestic violence, it is also crucial that you seek out professional help as soon as possible.

It is essential that individuals accused of domestic violence have a clear understanding of their rights within the law, including the right to remain silent and consult an attorney. Additionally, it is vital that individuals facing these charges find resources available to them in order to develop effective defense strategies. Victims of false accusations may also be able to receive compensation for damages or emotional distress caused by these malicious claims. Understanding what steps must be taken when facing such allegations can help ensure that your rights are not violated and give you a better chance at justice in court.